Tech business tips and advice from the best entrepreneur magazine

How the best startups are cashing in on branding

Some of the best startups in recent years are also among the few, rare new brands gaining phenomenal traction on global markets in just years or months – by nailing their branding right there on the pitch deck when looking for startup funding. (more…)

A decade into the new renaissance of electric vehicles

Electric cars first appeared in the second half of the 19th century. The first vehicles were high cost, low speed, and had a very limited range of battery. Compared to their later internal combustion engine counterparts, they didn’t stand a chance in surviving. Still, it was an electric vehicle that held the vehicular land speed record until at least 1900. (more…)

What the world’s top 10 self-made billionaires have in common

As it turns out – a lot. Not that there’s a set recipe for landing on any list among the top 10 entrepreneurs of our time, but surely there must be some common traits and takeaways from their individual success stories.

There’s a new breed of self-made billionaire climbing Forbes’ renowned success lists lately and we wondered what, if any, their secret to success was.  (more…)